Watch the News? Fuhgeddaboudit
I've always been a news junkie, even as a teenager. It is good to be informed and to know what is going on in the world around you.
I've always been a news junkie, even as a teenager. It is good to be informed and to know what is going on in the world around you.
What a week it's been. More like 15 months.
There's no Jack Ryan. No Jason Bourne. There's no Jack Reacher, Mitch Rapp, or Alex Fletcher. No heroic wrecking ball super-agent or humble dad with a mysterious special forces background.
The election of 2024 has come and gone. Polls were tight right up to election day, nearly all of them within the margin of error. Still, it came as a surprise when Kamala Harris won 7 million votes less than Joe Biden in 2020. Donald Trump, meanwhile, picked up 2.2 million more votes than he had in 2020. Unlike...
"In Alter Road, geopolitical thriller author Mark James delivers a haunting vision of American collapse that begins not with a bang, but with an electric bill. Set in a Detroit ravaged by decades of economic decay, this gripping novel shows how quickly society's threads can unravel when poverty, inequality, and institutional failure reach their...
"In the volatile waters of the Persian Gulf, an American aircraft carrier explodes and sinks into the depths. As rescue operations scramble into action, a terrorist attack on a U.S. naval facility ignites the powder keg of U.S.-Iranian relations that has been building for decades. The next few hours will determine whether regional tension escalates...
Recent books in recent years seem to converge on the idea that the world is entering or has already begun a new era. To wit: Fareed Zakaria's Age of Revolutions, George Friedman's The Storm Before the Calm, Jim Sciutto's The Return of Great Powers, Peter Zeihan's, The End of the World is Just the Beginning, Bruno Maçães', History Has Begun....
In a couple of podcast interviews (here and here), I talk about Friendship Games and answer questions. These kinds of interviews are live and on-the-spot with no preparation or questions in advance. They are fun, but I don't always answer to my own satisfaction.
If you follow my social media posts or read my blog, even if on occasion, then you know that I am a sucker for aliens: UFOs, UAPs, and the Big Question of "Are We Alone?"
My first novel, Alter Road, was just over 88,000 words. My second and most recent novel, Friendship Games, is about 78,000 words. Last night I reached the 20,000 word mark of my third and follow-up novel, Daddy Broke the World (as it is currently titled). With those two as guides, then I am 1/4th of the way there....